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Abaxis Europe GmbH

Otto-Hesse-Strasse 19
64293 Darmstadt
Tel.: 06151 - 35079 - 0
Fax: 06151 - 35079 - 11



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At Abaxis our mission is to supply point of care blood analyzers to the medical market and the veterinarian market. Abaxis provides leading edge technology, tools and services that support best medical practices, enabling physicians and veterinarians to respond to the health needs of their clients at the point of care while operating economical and profitable practices. Abaxis is headquartered in northern California, USA, and conducts operations around the world.

The Abaxis Laboratory System consists of a compact, chemistry analyzer capable of electrolytes, blood gas and immunoassays, a complete easy to use hematology analyzer and a series of 8-cm diameter single-use plastic discs, called reagent rotors, which contain all the necessary reagents to perform a fixed menu of tests. The System can be operated with minimal training and perform multiple tests on whole blood, serum or plasma. The System provides test results in minutes with the precision and accuracy equivalent to a clinical laboratory.

The Abaxis Quality Policy

Our goal at Abaxis, Inc. is to be a leader in delivering superior quality products that meet customer requirements on time, every time.

To support this goal, Abaxis management is committed to maintaining an effective quality management system while complying with all applicable regulatory requirements.

Abaxis is licensed as a medical device manufacturer in accordance with the FDA Quality System Regulation. Abaxis is also certified to the ISO 13485:2003 Quality System Standard for medical devices.

Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen:

- Adapter für die Medizintechnik
- Apparate, medizintechnische, für die Veterinärmedizin
- Bänder, technische
- Behindertengurte
- Fixiergurte für Patienten
- Medizintechnik
- Medizintechnische Produkte
- Transportgurtsysteme für Patienten

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